Saturday, February 20, 2010
I realize it’s been awhile since I’ve last posted, but rest assured that I have good things in the works for you, my dear readers. Both of you are in for a treat when we start getting dispatches from our new guest bloggers. If all works out, we will have an English teacher (and my [...]
Also filed in Dinner, Meals, Sweets
Tagged almonds, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon rolls, dinner roll, green beans, mashed potatoes, pot roast, salad, strawberry shortcake, whipped cream
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Jalapeños stuffed with goat cheese, topped with cheddar cheese, and chased down with Mothership Wit. It’s a mountain of spice and flavor and super easy to make. First, buy the beer. It’s pretty damn delicious. I had never had it before, but it really reminded me of Chimay, which I also love. Belgian wheat beers [...]
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Here’s a picture of Yumberry Grapefruit yogurt. Taken on my roof. I didn’t think the Yumberry looked good on its own. Well, to tell the truth, I didn’t think yumberries were an actual thing. Or rather, I thought it was simply a marketing name for a blend of berries. Well, turns out it’s a marketing [...]
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Lentil soup is basically chili for brown people. Well, at least the way I had it growing up, it was. Every time, the recipe might be slightly different, depending on what vegetables were on hand or how spicy the cook wanted it. You can throw whatever you want into it. Also, it’s about as easy [...]
Also filed in Dinner, Lunch
Tagged carrots, cayenne, chili, garlic, ginger, greek yogurt, habañero, lentils, onions, serrano, soup, vegetarian, yogurt
My dad (بابا is what I call him) just retired and a bunch of friends and family gathered to celebrate. We had a potluck, which I love, but I think my dad put it especially well; he said that by asking everyone to bring something, it makes them feel like they are a part of [...]
Also filed in Dinner, Meals
Tagged beef, blood oranges, cherries, chicken, corn, fire, grilled vegetables, Iran, kabob, pot roast, salad