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Don’t Take My Plate From Me or: The First Blog Post From My Phone [Mobile Post] - By Z


First of all, the picture of the brussels sprouts stalk is unrelated. (I got it at Trader Joe’s for helllaaa cheap.) I took it awhile ago when I still hoped that this phone’s camera could launch a food blog. I’ve since been disabused of that notion, especially since this damn thing doesn’t have a flash and Monk’s Kettle is lit too low to take a picture. Now that we got that out of the way, I need to get serious here.

Social conventions can sometimes get in the way of enjoying food.

I’ve gotta be honest, I enjoy ripping a steak to shreds like an animal more than I enjoy cutting it like a gentleman. But that nicety doesn’t bother me as much as this situation:

You’re sitting around a table. There is one appetizer left. Everyone offers it to everyone else at once. Everyone laughs.

Oh, we’re having a jolly ‘ol time.

But, still no one takes the remaining piece.

Then, the waiter comes. He looks at the plate. You look at each other.

A pause.

He takes the plate.

The crabcakes/fries/shrimp/quiches are wasted. (In this case, it was goat cheese, wilted spinach, and diced tomatoes that would have been wasted.)

Eat it.

Eat it.

Eat it.

Ara Bier at Monk's Kettle

Delicious Belgian Beer (or bier)... from Will's phone. Why didn't I wait for the Droid? Why, oh why?

One Comment

  1. asad wrote:

    Just eat it (eat it), eat it (eat it)
    Get yourself an egg and beat it.
    Have a banana, have a whole bunch
    It doesn’t matter what you had for lunch
    Just eat it (eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it…)

    Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 7:41 am | Permalink

One Trackback/Pingback

  1. Food, By Z › Roasted Brussels Sprouts on Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    [...] much better to caramelize them somehow. I made half of the brussels sprout stalk seen in an earlier post by making a caramel sauce (with balsamic vinegar and homemade caramel) and then frying the brussels [...]

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